Royalty Janitorial Inc
Commercial Cleaning Service
450 East Alvina Ave
Milwaukee WI 53207
(414) 858-9800
Proudly serving the Milwaukee area since 1986
Licensed Bonded and Insured
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Commercial Cleaning

With over 35 years of experience with disinfectant and antimicrobial cleaning, Royalty can expertly handle all of your facilities’ surfaces and high-touch points with solutions that have demonstrated effectiveness against the spread of illnesses. Royalty is closely monitoring the CDC recommendations to fight the spread of COVID-19 and is implementing any new measures as needed. We have methodologies appropriate for common areas during business hours and more thorough options for after-hours service.
Royalty will provide support to all clients and prospects in deep cleaning, sanitation, and disinfection in accordance with guidance from the CDC and the use of hospital-grade disinfectants. Royalty is closely monitoring the most up-to-date and effective methodologies to determine the best approach for each client.
Depending upon the scope of work, size of your space, availability and types of services and products required, Royalty can be available at a moment's notice to discuss and provide your company the best course of action. Each company and situation is unique and we will do our best to provide the best care in a timely and convenient manner.
Please keep in mind that disinfectants do not have a residual effect. Disinfectants kill the viruses they come in contact with, but if someone were to spread the virus by touching a surface with infected hands, the virus is certain to come back. It is best
to disinfect as frequently as possible within operational limits and Royalty is able and willing to work within your operational schedule.
Coronavirus High-Touch Points and Guidelines
COVID-19 High-Touch Points
High-touch points are surfaces that people frequently come in contact with. High-touch surfaces may include counters, tabletops, electronic devices, bathrooms, meeting areas, tools, materials and equipment. Labels contain instructions for safe and effective use of the cleaning product including precautions you should take when applying the product, such as wearing gloves and ensuring good ventilation during use.
High-touch points include, but not limited to:
Individual Offices and Conference Rooms
● Door handles, push plates,thresholds and hand railings
● Light switches
● Desks, tables and chair arms
● File cabinet handles
● Trash receptacle touch points
● Telephones and keypads
● Computers, keyboards and mice
Public Areas
● Door handles, push plates, thresholds and hand railings
● Light switches
● Elevator buttons (inside and out)
● Escalator railings
● Reception desk counters
● Public phones and computers
Public Restrooms
● Door handles (entrance and stalls)
● Sink faucets and toilet handles
● Towel dispenser handles
● Soap dispenser push plates
● Baby changing stations
● Trash receptacle touch points
Cafeteria Dining Area
● Door handles, push plates,thresholds and hand railings
● Dining tables, chairs and booths
● Trash receptacle touch points
● Highchairs
● Salad bar and beverage stations
Cafeteria Back of House
● Door handles and push plates
● Handles of all equipment doors and operation push pads
● Dispenser handles (beverage, etc.)
● Ice scoops
● Walk-in and other refrigerator handles
● Walk-in refrigerator and freezer plastic curtains
● Freezer handles
● Three-compartment sinks and mop sinks
● Handwashing sink handles
● Soap dispenser push plates
● Trash receptacle touch points
● Cleaning tools
● Buckets

Jobsite Guidelines for COVID-19
Avoid eating lunch and taking breaks in large groups
Avoid in‐person meetings if possible. In the case that an in‐person meeting is unavoidable, make sure to have it in a well‐ventilated area with sufficient space for attendees to distance themselves from one another (6 feet of separation).
For meetings such as huddles and toolbox talks, consider breaking them up into smaller group meetings versus one large meeting, ensuring 6 feet of separation from each other.
No visitors should be at the jobsites, unless fundamental to the execution of the work.
All employees are advised to discuss any travel plans with their supervisor prior to making any reservations.
Employees who do any traveling outside of their local area for any reason should disclose this to their Supervisor and be prepared for possible restrictions on their ability to return to work.
If you are sick, we ask that you stay home. For the safety of all our employees and clients ‐ please immediately communicate with your Supervisor if you have fever, cough or difficulty breathing.
In addition, if you have a coworker displaying these symptoms, please alert your Supervisor.
Use an infrared thermometer if available to check for temperature
Supervisors should immediately separate an employee displaying fever, cough or difficulty breathing from other employees, and then send that employee home.
Move potentially infectious people to a location away from workers, customers, and other visitors.
Take steps to limit spread of the person’s infectious respiratory secretions. This may include providing them a facemask and asking them to wear it, if they can tolerate doing so.
Restrict the number of personnel entering location of infectious person.
Protect workers in close contact with the sick person by using personal protective equipment.
The affected person should seek medical care as appropriate and stay away from others.
Employees will not return to our jobsites or offices until they show no signs of illness or fever, without the use of a fever reducing medicine, for 48 hours.
If an employee has had close contact with an individual that has confirmed COVID‐19, that employee will not be allowed to return to the office or jobsite until they have been symptom free for 14 days
Disinfectants & Chemicals Guidelines
Products with EPA‐approved emerging viral pathogens claims are expected to be effective against COVID‐19 based on data for harder to kill viruses. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products (e.g., concentration, application method and contact time, etc.)
Workers who conduct cleaning tasks shall protect themselves from exposure to blood, certain body fluids, and other potentially infectious materials by using PPE, an example would be, N95 – is the current respirator we use for silica and dust or HEPA respirator, gloves, face shield and safety glasses